Reale Società Canottieri Cerea

Progetto di restauro conservativo e rifunzionalizzazione interna


Date: 2008 - 2009
Commitment: Private Customer
Address: viale Virgilio 47, Torino
Design architects: Arch. Norberto Vairano, Arch. Livia Vigliani
Works Amount: 285.000 €
Professional Job: Full project and management operations
Enterprise: Impresa Nordica Edilizia Piemontese



The building was realized in 1886, it's located inside the Valentino's park, close to the river Po.

The actual image of the Società Cerea headquarter it's related to several building interventions carried on Barillet Dechamps in 1886 and arch.Pratesi in 1971, who designed the bar in the ground floor.

The present project, respecting the armony of the site, restores the original colours and decorative elements lost , re-designs the interior ambients in the first floor, and the roof covered with lose stones.

Financial contribution of Regione Piemonte L.R.32/2002