Palazzo Accardo

Restoration project


Date: 2010 - in progress
Commitment: Private Customer
Design architects: Studio Vairano, DMC architetti (Cagliari)
Professional job: Final and executive project and construction supervision

Press review

  • Nuova vita per l’antico Palazzo Accardo
    L'Unione sarda, 18 aprile 2021

  • Sei mesi per rivedere l’antico Palazzo Accardo
    L'Unione sarda, 22 aprile 2021

Mappatura Degradi Palazzo Accardo


The project has the main goal to stop the hard decay on the external facades, by respecting the original materials and late nineteenth century design too.

The intervention is in the scope of conservative restoration to preserve the ancient building and let him able to transform its original function in a new current and sustainable one, that can permit to introduce this important architecture in the lively world of the Sardinian tourism.